Sunday, November 29, 2009

cardboard boxes & feed sacks as garden mulch

They decompose over the winter and till under nicely in the spring. Note the carpet walkways which will be removed for tilling.

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Greenhouse cold frames from leftover roofing material

Triple paned polycarbonate lays nicely over pots with germinating lettuce greens

Abigail & mom in the 51 degree greenhouse (38 outside)

We cleaned up the greenhose yesterday & pruned the tomatoes. Spring planted collards are in the background.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Greenhouse tomatoes in November are a beautiful thing

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Storing winter delectica & butternut squash

I've wrapped the winter sqaush that we use as "sweet potatoes" in pantyhose (as you would for onions) and hung them in the garage. We will use them first. We have about 18 stored. We eat those a lot mashed with butter & sweetened with our own honey.

Storing winter sqaush in Oregon

I just finished wrapping 40 unbruised spaghetti squash in newspaper and boxing them up. We are storing them in the garage pantry which is fairly dark (the newspaper helps with that).

We'll see how many last until spring. Hopefully they will compliment nicely all of the tomato sauce we canned. We'll eat one a week and supplement the hogs with the leftovers.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pigs make great garden cleaners.

These are American Guinea hogs eating tomatillos and tomatoes.