Don't buy Chinese iron! Lodge Logic's cast iron griddle is best!
This is our replacement griddle. We bought our first cast iron griddle at Bi-Mart a few weeks ago. We went looking for a Carolina-made Lodge griddle after seeing their manufacturing process featured on the Food Network during our delivery at the hospital (the last time we were around TV). Bi-Mart had several Lodge cast iron skillets but no two-burner griddles. There was only a very inexpensive Chinese-made griddle. I prophetically said, "I don't want to buy some cheap Chinese made crap." Response: "It's a solid piece of iron; how could they mess it up."
Well, we learned firsthand what bridge builders and office builders have known for years: Chinese iron sucks. I mixing eggs and heating the griddle when I heard a loud "Crack!" The griddle broke! They cut corners. Heck, their iron was probably mixed with lead, which is great for a cooking surface! At least the lead can't make me any stupider than not buying American iron. Buyer beware.